Transcript preparation

Transcript preparation

Efficient structuring and preparation of unstructured meeting transcripts into a clear, concise format.


  • Unstructured Data: Transcripts from meetings are often unstructured and difficult to navigate, making follow-up and information sharing challenging.
  • Time-consuming Preparation: Manually converting these transcripts into a clear and usable format can be very time-consuming.


  • Transcript Structuring: Users can upload unstructured meeting transcripts and instruct MAIA to organize them according to a predefined structure such as participants, date, agenda items, decisions, and next steps.
  • Efficient Document Preparation: MAIA arranges the information into a clearly understandable form that can be easily forwarded to meeting participants and decision-makers.


  • Time Efficiency: Quick conversion of unstructured transcripts into structured, easily readable documents.
  • Clear Communication: Creation of meeting summaries that are clear and precise to ensure that all participants and decision-makers are informed.

Prompt Examples

  • Transcript Structuring: "Organize the transcript of [document name] and structure it according to participants, agenda items, decisions, and next steps."
  • Summary of Decisions: "Summarize the decisions of the meeting in [document name] clearly and concisely."
  • Creation of Meeting Minutes: "Create formal minutes of the meeting in [document name], including all relevant points and decisions."