Report Generation

Report Generation

Preparation of documents, notes, transcripts, and research results in a structured report.


  • Time investment: Merging and structuring a large amount of documents and information for a comprehensive report can be very time-consuming and complex.
  • Quality assurance: Ensuring that the final report is accurate, relevant, and persuasive to effectively address the target audience.


  • MAIA as a reporting assistant: Users can upload various documents and materials. MAIA then helps to structure this information according to the titles and focus areas defined by the user and summarize it in a coherent report.
  • Focused content preparation: Automated creation of a structured report that aligns with the user's specified focus areas and titles.


  • Increased efficiency: Faster and more efficient creation of structured reports, saving time and optimizing information processing.
  • Targeted communication: Creation of high-quality reports tailored to the target audience, which are clear, informative, and memorable.

Prompt Examples

  • Summary by topics: "Create a report on [topic] based on the uploaded documents, structured according to the titles [Title 1], [Title 2], etc."
  • Report outline: "Generate a possible outline for the report [document name]."
  • Detailed report creation: "Write a detailed report on [topic], structured according to the sections Initial Situation, Challenge, Solution, and Further Steps."