Creating presentations

Creating presentations

Efficient, AI-powered presentation preparation based on your own documents.


  • Time-consuming: Creating PowerPoint presentations can be time-consuming and tedious, especially when researching and compiling relevant information.
  • Content quality: Ensuring that the presentation content is accurate, relevant, and engaging.


  • MAIA as presentation assistant: Upload documents and use MAIA to extract and formulate relevant content for presentation slides.
  • Agenda & content creation: Automated creation of agendas and summaries based on the uploaded content.


  • Efficiency & persuasiveness: Faster creation of high-quality texts for PowerPoint presentations with compelling, data-driven content.
  • Professional quality: High-quality and targeted presentations that captivate the audience.

Prompt Examples

  1. Content compilation: "Create a summary about [topic] for a presentation slide based on the uploaded documents."
  2. Agenda draft: "Generate an agenda for a presentation on [topic] using the available information."
  3. Text creation for slides: "Create the texts for 3 slides of a PowerPoint presentation on the topic [name] with title and 5 important bullet points each."