Financial and Investment Analysis

Financial and Investment Analysis

Analysis of annual reports, market studies, and competitive analysis to prepare for investment decisions.


  • Time investment: Searching for and consolidating investment-relevant data from a large volume of documents and information is typically very time-consuming and can be automated.


  • MAIA as analysis assistant: Users can upload various documents and materials. MAIA then helps to search through this information according to user-defined queries and compile relevant data.


  • Efficiency increase: Faster and more efficient preparation of investment decisions, saving time and optimizing information processing.

Prompt Examples

  • How has the company's revenue developed over the last [X] years?
  • How has the company's profitability developed over the last [X] years?
  • What are the main drivers for revenue and profit growth?
  • Are there any notable changes in the company's cost structure?
  • How does the company's financial performance compare to competitors in the industry?
  • How efficiently does the company manage its working capital?
  • Are there significant changes in the company's debt levels or leverage ratios?
  • Are there significant cash flow trends or fluctuations?
  • How effectively does the company manage its cash flow in relation to its operational and investment needs?
  • Are there new markets or product segments the company is expanding into?
  • Are there notable partnerships or collaborations driving growth?
  • What are the key risks and challenges for the company?
  • How is the company addressing regulatory, market, or technological risks?
  • Who are the company's main competitors and what are their strengths and weaknesses?
  • How does the company differentiate itself in the market?
  • Are there emerging competitors or disruptive technologies that could impact the company's competitive position?
  • What is the company's strategy to maintain or expand its competitive advantage?
  • What are the prevailing trends and dynamics within the industry?

Recommended documents to upload

  • Annual reports
  • Market studies
  • Competitive analyses