Medical Device Development

AI platform for pioneers in flexible endoscopy

Faster research in studies & other relevant specialist reading
Faster text creation from your own knowledge or documents
131 licenses
Company-wide rollout of MAIA
Ø Searches across the company per month
Ø Searches per employee per month
Pages are searched by MAIA
Facts & figures
Company profile
The company specializes in the development, manufacture and sale of medical products for flexible endoscopy. The focus is on minimally invasive treatment and diagnosis options for the gastrointestinal tract.
Company size
131 employees (2024)

Starting position

The time spent researching scientific research papers and papers or searching for internal company information to develop new products is high.


The lengthy processes and the high search effort cost Ovesco resources. The workflow should therefore be optimized. Ovesco was therefore looking for an AI solution for internal company searches.


With MAIA, new standards are set in the company's daily knowledge management and MAIA helps to find and compile scientific content in internal company documents in the shortest possible time.

Use Cases

Literature analysis of medical papers

Efficient processing of medical papers from PubMed & Co.

Introduction to new subject areas

Involve yourself in scientific topics as a basis for research papers and papers

Other use cases: Intelligent FAQ, formulation of emails, translation of texts.

Sample prompts

Prompting is possible in all languages

“What do the studies say about easy and safe resection?”

“Does a crystal oscillator have polarity?”

“What is the code for (R) sign?”

"With MAIA, we deploy our knowledge strategically while ensuring that our core values as a medium-sized company - highest quality and data security - are consistently maintained."
Prof. Dr. med. Marc O. Schurr
Prof. Dr. med. Marc O. Schurr, CEO @ Ovesco

More case studies

Medical Device Development

AI platform for pioneers in flexible endoscopy


Faster research in studies & other relevant specialist reading


Faster text creation from your own knowledge or documents
